

锂电前驱体产品涵盖了NCA、NCM、无钴、掺杂以及富锰前驱体;硅基负极材料产品涵盖硅碳、硅氧两个系列五款负极材料产品;钠离子电池材料产品涵盖了钠电前驱体、 钠电正极材料、 钠电负极材料











Innovative R&D

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Innovation base

Xi'an headquarter R&D base

Covering an area of 130 mu, it contains five major technology R&D centers and one analysis and testing center, which are mainly used for basic experiments and cutting-edge technology research.

Xi'an new energy materials base

It covers an area of 150 mu and is equipped with 5000m2 clean workshop, which is mainly used for pilot and industrial tests in the field of new energy and new materials.

Huazhou industrialization test/demonstration base

Covering an area of 217 mu, it is mainly used for industrial testing, the production of patented proprietary products and the transformation of scientific research achievements.

Jinghe new city new energy industrial base

Covering an area of 266.9 mu, it is mainly used for mainstream technology development, production line construction, testing and production, and demonstration operation in the direction of new energy materials.

Yulin industrialization demonstration base

Pucheng industrialization testing/demonstration base

Innovation base

Xi'an headquarter R&D base

Covering an area of 130 mu, it contains five major technology R&D centers and one analysis and testing center, which are mainly used for basic experiments and cutting-edge technology research.

Xi'an new energy materials base

It covers an area of 150 mu and is equipped with 5000m2 clean workshop, which is mainly used for pilot and industrial tests in the field of new energy and new materials.

Huazhou industrialization test/demonstration base

Covering an area of 217 mu, it is mainly used for industrial testing, the production of patented proprietary products and the transformation of scientific research achievements.

Jinghe new city new energy industrial base

Covering an area of 266.9 mu, it is mainly used for mainstream technology development, production line construction, testing and production, and demonstration operation in the direction of new energy materials.

Yulin industrialization demonstration base

Pucheng industrialization testing/demonstration base