

锂电前驱体产品涵盖了NCA、NCM、无钴、掺杂以及富锰前驱体;硅基负极材料产品涵盖硅碳、硅氧两个系列五款负极材料产品;钠离子电池材料产品涵盖了钠电前驱体、 钠电正极材料、 钠电负极材料











Core products

Lithium Battery
 Precursor Materials


Lithium Battery
 Precursor Materials

Lithium Battery precursor materials cover NCA, NCM, cobalt-free, doped and manganese-rich products and other series, with a wide range of application scenarios...



Sodium-ion Battery
Cathode Materials


Sodium-ion Battery
Cathode Materials

Sodium-ion battery cathode materials, combined with its own technical advantages, has formed a number of highly competitive products in precursor and cathode materials, among which sodium-ion cathode materials are the first in China to realize the technological breakthroughs of single-crystallization, low free alkali, and high cycling stability.



Anode Materials


Anode Materials

The company has many years of R&D and production experience in the field of Lithium battery silicon-based anode materials, covering six models in two series, with independent intellectual property...



Sodium-ion Battery
Anode Materials


Sodium-ion Battery
Anode Materials

Starting from the strategic layout of new energy industry, the company aims at the demand in the field of cutting-edge energy storage materials and determine the strategic layout orientation by combining its own technical advantages. 3 major core products has been formed .



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Founded in January 2021 with a registered capital of CNY 360 million, been small and medium-sized enterprises of science and technology in Shaanxi Province, Jinghe New City Shaanxi Coal Technology Research Institute New Energy Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jinghe Company") is a wholly-owned subsidiary invested and established by Shaanxi Coal Chemical Industry Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shaanxi Coal Research Institute").

With a total investment of CNY 1.2 billion , Jinghe Company takes lithium battery precursor materials and silicon-based anode materials as the technical carrier, and builds production line with an annual output of 10,000 tons of lithium battery precursor materials and 1,000 tons of silicon-based anode materials, as well as public and auxiliary facilities. After reaching designed capacity, the annual output value will exceed CNY 1.8 billion, and the annual tax payment is expected to exceed CNY 100 million.

Building an international first-class new energy materials technology enterprise.

Boosting the Energy Revolution and Leading Green Development



Innovative R&D

Aiming at the new energy industry and continuously innovating, we are making
unremitting efforts to build our enterprise into a world-class new energy brand.

Innovation base

The research institute takes independent innovation of new energy materials as the development direction in China, and its innovation bases include: Xi'an headquarters R&D base, Xi'an new energy materials base, Huazhou industrialization test/demonstration base, Yulin industrialization demonstration base, etc. To achieve industrialization of R&D, testing and production with advanced technology...



R&D platform

The company has a complete lithium battery materials production line, a battery performance testing and evaluation platform, as well as a laboratory of more than 1,000 m2. The R&D investment exceeds CNY 20 million. It has a pilot test platform for 100-ton level precursors and cathode materials, a 15,000-ton precursor production line and a 6,000-ton sodium-ion battery cathode production line.



Quality Inspection Center

In terms of the all-round testing needs of cathode and anode materials, the company will strive to build a benchmark laboratory and comprehensive service platform in the new energy material industry through professional testing methods and a powerful testing platform, as well as a team of high-quality and specialized personnel.



Building an international first-class new energy materials technology enterprise.

Boosting the Energy Revolution
Build China into an energy powerhouse
TO bulid a world-class new energy material technology enterprise


Founded in January 2021 with a registered capital of CNY 360 million, been small and medium-sized enterprises of science and technology in Shaanxi Province, Jinghe New City Shaanxi Coal Technology Research Institute New Energy Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jinghe Company") is a wholly-owned subsidiary invested and established by Shaanxi Coal Chemical Industry Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shaanxi Coal Research Institute").

With a total investment of CNY 1.2 billion , Jinghe Company takes lithium battery precursor materials and silicon-based anode materials as the technical carrier, and builds production line with an annual output of 10,000 tons of lithium battery precursor materials and 1,000 tons of silicon-based anode materials, as well as public and auxiliary facilities. After reaching designed capacity, the annual output value will exceed CNY 1.8 billion, and the annual tax payment is expected to exceed CNY 100 million.

Building an international first-class new energy materials technology enterprise.

Boosting the Energy Revolution and Leading Green Development